Tribute from Eguana-Amuana Kusubenstir Family of Nsaaze, Saltpond and Prestea


I fall asleep in the full and certain hope that my slumber shall not be broken; and that, though I be all-forgetting, yet I shall not be all-forgotten, but continue that life in the thoughts and deeds of those I have loved.

– Samuel Butler

The passing of Albert is a bitter pill for us to swallow. It is a great loss for our family and the Timpo family which have become one family due to the goodness of Albert. He was a pillar of strength for our sister Emilia and their daughters Awoye, Emefa and Edem. His death will certainly create a void in all our lives.

Grieving over and missing someone you love is a big deal. It’s not always easy to give voice to the thoughts and emotions inside you. In life we do not get to choose the family we are born into but we choose the family into which we marry. Sister Emilia made many excellent choices but selecting Albert as her soul mate tops it all. It has been a privilege to have Albert in our family.

With his dedication, commitment, loyalty, and service to humanity and family, he assumed, acquired, achieved, and earned the honors, respect, trust, and love of the entire Eguana–Amuana family, most especially his children and those of us who got to know him. Albert was a peace maker. He was always available to calm nerves in times of our family discord and made sure the final resolution was agreeable to all parties.

For all that he achieved in his life, nothing made him prouder. Nothing made him happier, nothing claimed a fuller focus of his love and devotion than his family, a quintessential family man who believed the essence of family is unity.

Today we mourn the loss of an astute, affable, diligent, selfless, humble, honest, and responsible In-Law. To each of us here, he was either Akora, Brother, Dad, Husband, Uncle, Colleague, In Law, or simply Albert. No matter what we called him, he held a special place in each of our hearts that can never be replaced, but will always be remembered with great love.

Life must be a race of some sort run by humans on the ledge of being. When the props are laid out on Albert’s life stage, the script is unscrolled, and the actions are done, what will emerge out of the movie is a doctor and a husband with bowels of compassion, commitment, and sincerity, and driving himself to the limit with hard work, but drawing an enviable balance between family and business. In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us. 

– Helen Keller

The entire Eguana-Amuana family will miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies.Peace, Rest in Perfect Peace. Fare thee well.